How to Adjust After an International Move

Atlanta is home to many large international companies. If you are one of the many relocating to Atlanta, here are some tips to adjusting to your new home.

Networking: Check out international organizations that offer networking opportunities to global travelers. For example, Hash House Harriers, an international running club formed in the late 1930s, has chapters all over the world, including Guam, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. allows individuals of any interest category to connect throughout the United States. In Kuwait, there are both Canadian and American citizens groups, as well as a French language association. Facebook can help you find clubs and communities near your new home, and your REALTOR can help you find clubs near by.

Routine: New digs mean new routines for everything from banking, grocery shopping and medical care. As REALTORS, we know part of our duty is to help provide information about shopping, dining, conveniences, and medical care information to new Atlantans.

If you are relocating to Atlanta, we would love to help you. We love this city and have extensive knowledge of its neighborhoods. Call us today!