Solar Heat

Solar Heat Active solar space-heating systems consist of collectors that collect and absorb solar radiation combined with electric fans or pumps to transfer and distribute that solar heat. Active systems also generally have an energy-storage system to provide heat...

Solar Pool Equipment

Solar Pool Equipment A pool filtration system pumps that pumps pool water through a solar collector so that the collected heat is transferred directly to the pool water. Solar pool-heating collectors operate just slightly warmer than the surrounding air temperature...

Solar Rough-In

Solar Rough-In  A method of installing plumbing and/or electrical systems that would allow a later addition of a solar photovoltaic or a solar hot water system.  

Southern Exposure

Southern Exposure In northern latitudes, a home exposed to the south can take advantage of collecting the sun’s energy either for production of electricity (photovoltaic), heating water, or as part of a passive solar design. The approach collects the sun’s...

Storm Doors

A door that provides a pocket of air between the main door and the exterior door to improve insulation. Storm doors also protect the main door from wind, rain and ice.

Straw Bale Construction

A construction method that uses waste straw left over from crops, such as wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice and flax, after all the food has been extracted. Straw is gathered, baled, compressed and tied together. Bales are placed over a “stem wall” to protect...