Living wall

Living wall

Living wall: A vertical garden in which plants grow in compartments on a porous vertical wall. Water drips down to feed moss, vines, or other plants. Water is captured at the bottom of the wall in a pool or pond to be re-circulated to the top.  


Hydrozoning: A landscape practice that groups plants with similar water requirements together, in an effort to conserve water. Hydrozoning also seeks to take advantage of microclimates. Plants that tolerate more heat and wind might be planted near the street, while...


Hydroponics is system where plants are grown without soil, but fed mineral-enriched water.  Some may say the use of hydroponics is urban farming, because hydroponics can occur in any indoor facility as long as the following are controlled: light, temperature, water,...


Xeriscaping: landscaping and gardening in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation. In short, xeriscaping means using creative landscaping to conserve water. The technique uses native plants which are best suited to the area. While...