With all the crazy weather we have been having here in Atlanta, you might want to have your trees checked out. All over the news are reports of trees falling on houses, fences, or cars and causing lots of property damage! You can protect your home and belongings with a little maintenance.

Also make sure that tree limbs are not over-hanging your roof. Branches and leaves can cause clogged gutters, or worse, holes in your roof!

Trees that are not properly cared for can become a home’s greatest liability. Diseased limbs and weakened trees can cause extensive damage if they fall onto nearby cars or homes. To keep your biggest investments from being scratched, dinged or crushed by falling limbs, have your tress inspected by an arborist. An arborist can help identify potential problems and provide proactive solutions to improve the health of your trees and prolong their lives. Want additional reasons to hire an arborist? Watch this video.