As football season heats up and the temperatures cool down, it’s time to tackle all of those laste-minute home projects before it’s too late. And while it’s important to enjoy the last warm days of the great outdoors, it’s also time to start winterizing your home for peace of mind. Our friends at HWA Home Warranty came up with five crucial questions you should be asking yourself this fall.
Is your chimney cleaned? The second cold weather hits, you’ll want to cozy up to a roaring fireplace. But who knows what has snuck up that chumney since the last time you used it? Chimneys need not be swept every year, but SHOULD be inspected to avoid any unpleasant surprises while curling up next to the fire.
Do you see cracks or leaks anywhere? This is perhaps the most obvious but overlooked winter-prep project. Small cracks in doors, windows, siding, and event he foundation of your home could add lots of unnecessary draft to the inside, driving up heating costs and imposing needless wear and tear to your heating system. Caulk cracks and apply door sweeps to any gaps you see.
Are pipes and hoses drained? Having a pipe burst can be one of the most costly and inconvenient situations to find yourself in during a cold winter. This happens when temperatures drop below freezing, causing water to freeze and expand and ultimately split your pipes. Be safe rather than sorry – drain all unused pipes and hoses before freezing temperatures creep in.
Is your furnace ready? Make sure you replace your furnace filters every month you use it as well as dust and clean your central heating vents – both easy tasks you can do on your own. This ensures your system is functioning at its most efficient. It’s a good idea to have a professional come out to inspect your heater before it starts getting cold as well.
Is your home insulated properly? Besides your heating system, the insulation in your house makes the biggest impace on keeping your home cozy and warm. Experts suggest that spending just a little money up front on insulating your attice is well worth the investionment. Twelve inches of insulation is recommended.
These easy tasks ensure that you can enjoy a warm and snug winter and avoid the grips of Jack Frost!