It’s Spring, which means MAINTENANCE! That’s why you bought a home in the first place, right?
This week, focus on the exterior:
Paint trim for carpenter bees.
Carpenters of the bee variety are not the type you want working on your home. Carpenter bees burrow into unpainted or unfinished wood around doors, eaves, overhangs and windows (and they won’t even pull a permit for the work they do). Over time, their boring activity can cause structural damage and can leave the wood in the affected area with unsightly holes. Painting or staining wood on the home’s exterior can help discourage carpenter bees from burrowing into your home, but if they are already on site, contact a trained pest control pro.
Cut back vegetation and overgrown bushes.
The phrase, “it’s a jungle out there” shouldn’t refer to your front yard. If it does, then it’s time to grab some clippers (and maybe a Pith helmet) and get to work. Overgrown plants are a major eyesore that can severely impact your home’s curb appeal. Overgrown bushes are often not as healthy as their manicured counterparts, and to make matters worse, some unmaintained plants (think ivy) can damage your home’s siding or masonry work.