Clean your dishwasher filter.
The food particles that cake your plates and utensils don’t magically disappear during the wash cycle. Usually, these large particles collect in your dishwasher’s filter and are held there until the filter is cleaned. Although your dishwasher filter is often forgotten, ignoring this important component is a bad idea. If not cleaned regularly, the filter can negatively affect your appliance’s performance, leaving you with extra scrubbing after the rinse cycle is complete.
Seal openings in your home’s exterior.
Planning to spend a lot of time indoors this fall and winter? Rodents like mice, rats and squirrels are too. According to the National Pest Management Association, rodents will invade 21 million homes this winter. To help bar these pests from your house, use steel wool, caulk and foam sealant to close any openings in your home’s exterior. As a general rule of thumb, if your finger can fit into an opening, then the hole is large enough for a rodent to slip through. Rodents should not be taken lightly. They can carry a number of diseases, and they can cause fires by gnawing through electrical wiring.
Consider adding a fire pit.
Do you like campfires, but don’t like camping? Then a fire pit is right up your alley. These yard elements do more than roast hotdogs and cook s’mores. If done correctly, these pits can greatly enhance your yard’s functionality and add value to your home. Before having a fire pit installed, check local codes to ensure fire pits are allowed. Some municipalities have special regulations regarding open flames. Also, be sure to locate your fire pit away from overhanging trees or utility lines, and also keep a safe distance from structures.