Remove lint from dryer ducts.
Running your clothes dryer with a clogged lint trap or duct work is a very bad idea. Blocked traps and ducts cause reduced air flow and a buildup of heat, which can produce a fire. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, clothes dryers cause more than 15,000 fires each year. To help prevent a dryer fire, clean your lint trap after each load of laundry and regularly remove lint from the ductwork that leads outside. Remember, if your clothes are taking longer than normal to dry, it is a clear sign that lint is starting to build up in your system.
Repair broken fences.
Fences can withstand a lot, but eventually the wind, falling limbs and other wear and tear will take their toll. When fences fall, they are a major eyesore, and they also compromise your home’s privacy and security. Fences that need attention should be repaired before freezing temperatures arrive. If you delay, holes will be harder to dig, and any concrete used may not set properly. Be sure to sink new posts below the frost line, and also contact the ‘Call before You Dig’ hotline before digging new holes.