It’s that time of year again…

Property tax assessments are out in various counties and the deadlines to appeal in Fulton and Dekalb are:

Fulton – August 5
Dekalb – July 16

Here’s what you need to know:
* Each year the county tax assessor states a property value on which they will calculate property taxes.
* Current values for Fulton and Dekalb can be viewed using the following links:
Fulton –

Dekalb –

*You may obtain appeal deadlines and assessed values for other counties by searching the county name and tax assessor online.
* If the property has been sold, either the seller who owned the property as of January 1, 2021 or the buyer who currently owns the property may appeal.
* No taxes are due at this time, 2021 tax bills will be sent out later this year but your time to object to the value is now – you cannot wait until the bill comes out!
All appeals must be filed within 45 days from the date of the Notice of Assessment.