Spring Home Maintenance Tips

Spring Home Maintenance Tips

It’s Spring, which means MAINTENANCE! That’s why you bought a home in the first place, right? This week, focus on the exterior: Paint trim for carpenter bees. Carpenters of the bee variety are not the type you want working on your home. Carpenter bees...
Mounting Your TV Above the Fireplace?

Mounting Your TV Above the Fireplace?

Several of our clients have made these points… makes setting up the living room a little more challenging…When setting up your home theater, it’s tempting to mount the TV above your fireplace. This arrangement seems like a great use of space, but...
Leaky dishwasher or dirty plates?

Leaky dishwasher or dirty plates?

Clean your dishwasher filter. The food particles that cake your plates and utensils don’t magically disappear during the wash cycle. Usually, these large particles collect in your dishwasher’s filter and are held there until the filter is cleaned. Although...