What Is a Credit Score, Anyway?

What Is a Credit Score, Anyway?

We know it’s important, and it should be “high”, but what does that mean, anyway? Any why is that important? When purchasing a home and obtaining your new loan, the lender will look at your income (debt to income ratio) and credit score, among some...
Adding a partner to property title

Adding a partner to property title

The expectation used to be that people would wait until they married to buy a home, and then the couple would house hunt together. But today it’s more common for singles to own a home on their own. Of course, many of those singles then become couples and...

Credit DON’Ts when looking to get a mortgage or re-fi

THE DON’Ts: Don’t apply for ANY new credit or open new accounts unless absolutely necessary. Be careful applying for credit with department stores and gas companies. These are single purpose credit cards accepted only by the merchant who distributes them. As such,...
Should you Prepay your Mortgage?

Should you Prepay your Mortgage?

To Pre-Pay or Not To Pre-Pay Some Important Things to Consider About Your Mortgage With so much economic uncertainty going on both here and abroad, it’s understandable that people are worried about the future. Some may even want to minimize their debt as much as...
Legal Tip: When should I get a survey?

Legal Tip: When should I get a survey?

Most lenders do not require their buyers to have a new survey done in preparation for closing.  The lenders have title insurance protection for survey problems.  Keep in mind that lenders also do not require buyers to get owner’s title insurance, but they do require...
Don’t “Fall” Behind on These Deadlines

Don’t “Fall” Behind on These Deadlines

This year, colder temperatures aren’t the only thing fall is going to bring. There are several important deadlines you need to be aware of, especially if you’re thinking of buying or refinancing a home. Here’s a summary of what you need to know....